
Sunday, January 5, 2020

v1.21a released

Changelog :
- Added "imageType" field to buildings. If provided, the game will use images with that name in place of "sex" images when a character is working there. If such images don't exist, "sex" images will still be used.
- Bugfix : fixed an issue with profile images not appearing when a character was equipped with items that they didn't have images for.
- Bugfix : fixed an issue where scenarios would use a random first mission, then proceed with the defined missions after that, instead of using defined missions the entire time.

Download :!ly4n3QjD!qtop-tA9B1P_nya7a01TOVdFzPr5PHcpma9aFDMytaY

Thursday, January 2, 2020

v1.21 released

Changelog :
- Enabled the user to customize the interface! Instructions given in README.txt and Resources/Interface. Only buttons and the background can be changed at the moment.
- Added a game.json file to configure the game's settings (currently just interface settings). See README.txt for more info.
- Enabled Competitor missions in scenarios. Just put a character's name in the goal field (this implies that a previous mission was made impossible and the player should capture the resulting competitor)

Download :!puZDBKTC!5xneEfPjG6MC4S279vsDFVRQrNIfQ1Pirv5sw3OvLG8