
Wednesday, February 5, 2020

v1.21b released

Mostly bugfixes. Some additional configuration enabled. I'm hoping to have a simple custom event system in place later this month.

Changelog :

- Bugfix : fixed a duplication glitch when purchasing a character immediately after defeat while still attacking them.
- Bugfix : fixed no image appearing when a competitor was seduced
- Bugfix : fixed text disappearing at certain resolutions.
- Added COMPETITORS section to game.json. Now you can configure the details of competitor spawning.
- Added the same COMPETITORS section to scenario json files. Now you can override the above addition to game.json per scenario.
- Added error logging for JSON files. When a JSON file is improperly formatted, a log.txt file is generated that points to the problematic file. If the game crashes, check the log.
- TODO : The game now creates an "Events" folder when run. A basic Event system is in progress.

Download :!tqoBUQQJ!vMtyNshH6RPG-yPaxgDEeQNCDFZz1G2UsosPZaNP5_g


  1. How do I choose a competitor to attack? When I select attack it says "the character was not assigned someone to attack."

  2. When you select the Attack button, the dropdown at the bottom of the work page is updated with all available competitors. Select a name there. A competitor must have spawned first before any names are there

  3. By default, a competitor spawns when one of these conditions are met :
    - 1 every 40 days
    - the players money hits 10000 or a larger power of 10.
    - a high level character was sold
    - a mission was failed
