
Saturday, December 28, 2019

v1.2a released

Changelog :
- Bugfix : fixed an issue where purchasing a character would not update the list of purchasable characters immediately.
- Bugfix : fixed an issue with Scenarios when competitors were generated from missions other than the ones for which they were rewards.
- Extracted all buildings from the base game into JSON files. All buildings can now be customized. Just make sure at least one is marked "isOwned"

Download :!kjRlQS6Q!rvARABiFpCG55rSRR2JiTILtXGpn4p8qt9eJKsbBz3I


  1. How is it determined which character is an attacker? Also, it would be nice to set a limit to like 2 attackers per day and like 4 attacks per week

  2. I liked your idea for the character images. I could add a description to characters and a separate zone for that.

    The attacker is the character on the left in the daily reports. You can have your characters attack competitors using the "Change Work" button, there's a new Attack button there and the target selection is done by what used to be the room dropdown.

    Competitors will attack your characters and each other at random. Currently, it's just a 22% chance to assault the player, 11% to assault each other, per day.

    All characters have the option to attack at the moment, some perks will make some characters better fighters than others. This might change later.

    1. As I'm currently working on a UI prototype design, is there any visual guideline? I mean, both the original as well as the Unity one don't really have a coherent visual design and question is what should it look like in the future? As you saw the Charakter profile picture had many silver elements, the things I now made are very colourful. I try to work on a more consistent style but I don't really have an reference point because the original had also no Artdirection. Well, here are some things and thoughts

    2. Did you make those icons? Looks good. The only thing I had in mind for the UI design was that the user should be able to change it to fit their taste. And I can really only do software, not a great artist myself. I would like to see more of what you've got going with those images : the two-color outline and the solid center. I prefer the monochrome icons myself (the grey cuffs and single grey heel), though they don't need to be grey, any single color would look nice I think.

      Given that you had multiple designs in mind, I've got an idea for how to make them easy to toggle. I'll make another Resource folder, "Resources/Interface", and subfolders there will be recognized as separate style profiles. Users will be able to change a config file to select a profile, and the images located there will replace the default assets.

      If you're looking for a new style immediately, I'd be happy to include your work as default assets. Do you have a site or portfolio of your works I could check out or link to if we do that?

    3. I did these on the fly, 4 hours max., I want to work on them over the next couple of days if I find time.

      Good to have a, at least somewhat, clear vision of the colour scheme, I will do the monochrome ones for the interface and coloured buttons, also I need to try some different designs of the buttons. I would like to have animated buttons for the "Managment New" thing for example and many other smaller things I need to try. What types of animated images can you use? I can basically produce any standard format.

  3. I'm only able to support GIFs at the moment, kind of. If it's just a few frames, that'll work well. Currently, the frame rate is hardcoded to 10 fps

    In Unity, buttons just take an image and use that as the texture. Unity doesn't support animated textures. I got around this by taking GIFs, splitting them into separate bitmaps per frame, writing each pixel into one Unity asset per frame, and storing the results when the game is launched. That's what the gif_r34bro files are. During the game, we flip through the assets in those files at 10 frames per second. I still need to figure out how to get the fps data from GIFs.

  4. Thanks for the suggestions! I just released an update that enables the gifs to use their own frame rate. You can disregard the hardcoded bit in my previous comment.

    1. After a long back and forth I came to a design decision, and only grey aesthetic is probably the best choice, if you want to take a look I made this short showcase:

      The whole thing is under construction but at least I could make sense of some elements.

      This is far from finished, I will tackle the Girls screen next and maybe the Next Day Option.
